Please note that FlightLog is no more maintained on Android platform.
A pilot logbook software to track your flight time and limits, and more...
What can this Flight Log do ?
- Import your roster manually or via your device calendar (full compatibility with AIMS/BlueOne/RosterBuster/CrewConnect/Air France/Transavia/Iberia/Air New Zealand/AeroLogic/Ryanair)
- Fill your data as block time, flight time, aircraft, runway used, approach type, number of take off and landing, personnal notes, payload, fuel used etc...
- Includes a 15000 airports database and you can now add your own
- Night time automatically computed
- FULL AUTO filling of your flight times !
- Get the weather forecast on destination [PRO].
- Deicing fluids Holdover Time Calculator [PRO].
- Dangerous Goods and Drill Codes consultation from UN number [PRO].
- SNOWTAM scan decoder with new format [PRO].
- Weather Radar Map and Aurora predictions, Winds map, Dust/Sand map, Snow and Clear Air Turbulence map [PRO]
- Get the global airport delay status (departure and arrival) [PRO].
- See your cosmic radiation dose for each flight, and cumulated.
- Receive notification alert for solar radiation or radio blackout hazard
- Display a 3D map of predicted Auroras (Northern Lights) [PRO]
- Display an Air Quality map (CO-Carbon Monoxide, Particulate matter, Ozone, Nitrate dioxide) [PRO]
- Analyze your alertness level with your future flights (Three-Process Model of Alertness by Akersted) and send your flight data to Jeppesen CrewAlert Pro [PRO]
- Delays statistical analysis D0 D5 D15.
- Export/print your log in PDF (EASA+FAA format)
- CPT : manage your Jumpseat JPS requests
- Import LogTenPro | MCC Pilotlog | RosterBuster | logbook | any CSV file
- Show some statistics like number of flight hours per aircraft, total flight hours per year/month/90 days/30 days, destinations worldmap, used runway repartition...
- Auto Save your Flight Log on our servers or on your own Dropbox (FREE) and sync seamlessly with your other platform devices.
- Manage your flight limitations (next 30days preview), recent experience, certificates, Flight Time Limitation and Flight Duty Period Limitations with acclimatization (EASA and FAA), also with EU-OPS mixed fleet type rating (A330/A350 and B777/B787).
- In order to help you taxiing, this app can display an airport diagram (AIRPORT MOVING MAP) georeferenced, centered on your aircraft GPS location.
- During flight, calculate the sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset times from your GPS or manual position [PRO].
- Display inbound flight status.
- Display warning when a landing with sun glares is expected.
- Pilot Tools (True altitude with relief clearance, true airspeed calculation, METAR runway decoding, unit converter, elaborated theodolite, true RTO margin, cold temperature correction for approach) [PRO]
- Operational Datas in participatory mode.
- Runway lengths.
- Country Rules and Regulation CRAR summary [PRO].
- Crew Connect : contact any crew member by flightnumber
- And for the geeks, you can measure the time dilation due to theory of Special relativity ;)